BRFL Free Agency
Please login on message board. Select a player to place a bid. The times listed are Central time zone (server location) approximations.
Your Bids (last 24 hours):

FA Bids Remaining: 5 / 5

Current Year Bids: $
Cap cost of currently winning bids

Each team will have 5 bids per 24 hours - these can either be bids for new players or counter-bids. Bids for your OWN players do not count against you.
If a player receives no counter offers for 24 hours, then the player is signed by the team with the current highest bid.
Restricted free agents and franchise/transition players may remain with their current team if the highest offer is matched. After the player is "signed" to that offer-sheet, the original team will have 48 hours to match.

If you would like to add an eligible free agent not listed, send Goodell a PM.

Grades may not have been update yet for new season, and are subject to change throughout the year based upon real performance, so don't bid just upon listed grade alone as they may also be corrected if wrong or when updated.
Teams that lose more UFAs than they sign from another team may receive compensatory picks (4 max) for next year's draft. The only signings that apply must be UFAs with a previous team listed that has unlimited bidding advantages. The quality of the UFAs lost compared to unbalanced gains would determine what team gets compensatory picksn and how high (late 3rd to late 7th is the range).

Compensatory Picks for 2024:
UFAs Lost: 0
UFAs Gained: 0

Your Team: - Bids remaining: 5

Anonymous, select a player below to place a free agent bid. Teams are limited to 5 free agent bids per 24 hours (not including their own players). Minimum bids are 795K for all 1 year deals and multi-year deals for players under 3 years of experience, and 1.125M minimum for veterans with a signing bonus required for veteran multi-year deals.

Grades as always subject to updates for future performance. Please research news on a player before making bids, decide wisely, and enter your bid carefully. We do not cancel bids. Contact Goodell immediately if a typo (extra zero) for fix but bids will not be removed.

Sort by Grade | Alphabetically | BOOKMARKED

QB | RB | WR | TE | OL | DL | LB | SEC | P | K