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Draft Day

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 2:31 am
by Goodell
I initially set 4/26 as start day for our college draft (which will last 1 round per day this year and probably have set scheduled windows for each pick), but have had a couple emails about conflicts. We can't really schedule around individuals too much as there are 32 in each league and tough to get something that works ideally for all, but did want to see if any popular opinion on the start date. I'd also normally say that our draft queue lists will be active for teams to pre-load their preferred list ahead of time no matter if here or not and would get a guy you liked more than another based upon your individual list, but some of the conflicts come from some teams with several picks that first day and first day typically the most important (although tell that to my AFFL ATL team who hasn't had a first rounder in 2 years now).

So let me know if you'd prefer our draft start on a particular date. We did something like this last year so not sure if results too much different this time around, but just wanting to get a feel for popular opinion on that now or if one day doesn't work for many. Remember the draft will last 7 days this year (1 round per day) so I'm sure many will have some problem some day, but can pre-load their queue's and also have an idea this year of the exact time of their pick probably. But best to get the best start date for day 1 of the most people.

It is also helpful to my scripts for teams that don't show and don't have draft queue to get top available player by actual NFL draft slot, so helpful as things are now to have our first round behind the real one or starting afterward on a later day. If Sunday didn't work for many, Monday would probably be the next preferred selection for my purposes of having things running.

Re: Draft Day

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:56 am
by RyanM
As we're only doing one round at a time, I voted to start on Friday. That way we can have the first three rounds knocked out over the weekend.

Re: Draft Day

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:03 am
by Jared A
I think we should push it back an entire week. That'll give us time to make deals after the real draft... it also gives us time to do research on the real draft, and decide about where we need to be to land the players we're looking for.

But, most importantly, we have a GM (in both leagues) that is getting married that weekend, and will not be able to take part. If we push it back, it'll make it easier for him... it'd be a nice gesture.

Re: Draft Day

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:16 am
by Ben C.
For the record, I voted to start the day after the real draft (Sunday), but I really would be happy with that, Monday, or a week later. I do not want to do it early or start on Saturday.

Jared- Who is getting married?

Re: Draft Day

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:17 am
by Jared A
I'm sure he doesn't mind... Onyx

Re: Draft Day

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:19 am
by soonertf
Yeah I voted for Monday after, but would be more than happy to wait a week. Can't change votes like before for some reason (???). But I'd defintely be willing to switch mine to a week later. The only one I don't want for sure is the day before or day of the draft. If we do it before I'd want it to be a week before.

Re: Draft Day

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:31 am
by Goodell
I was contacted previously by someone else getting married (different person I think than referenced above) wanting to confirm that it was going to be at the end of April instead of later into May because of a wedding also, so perhaps two of those going on and maybe best in the middle of those like Monday 4/27 or Tuesday or Wednesday to perhaps get the meat of the first big rounds done away from potential weekend events like that.

We're not going to be able to get something perfect for everybody, and ideal just to have it set at some point and stick to it, but will try to get those types of huge event information sooner next year before setting calendar dates. In baseball sims I've been in, if you don't send in your draft pick you get skipped. At least here, worst case for those with scheduling issues you can create a list of preferred players and have it pick for you based upon those preferences, or if no time for that even will get the highest drafted player on the board so usually not too bad worst case scenarios there.

Re: Draft Day

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 4:34 pm
by vikingfan
I voted for Friday but am OK with whatever you decide is best for the league. Especially with one or two needing to take the plunge for some reason :D


Re: Draft Day

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 4:57 pm
by Dan M
I voted for the weekend after but during the work week would also work fine for me.

Re: Draft Day

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:55 pm
by sportznut
I voted that we start the day after (Sunday) the draft starts.

I just think starting on the weekend is most beneficial to the vast majority of people, especially on a Sunday where most don't work.

Besides, Onyx should learn that this will be the first thing in a long line of things that will forever change in his life. :twisted: