Weekly Sim Status

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Joined: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:44 am

Re: Weekly Sim Status

Post by Goodell »

If your team is still alive in our playoffs and you have a player who is on the Steelers/Packers in reality playing today, you have until Tuesday night (11:59pm ET) to let me know via PM to Goodell if you want to use a real game update from today's Super Bowl in our sim versions of those coming up this week.

Then we'll get into off-season discussions. A couple of notes...

- With the current NFL labor issues and possible big rule changes coming in reality this off-season, we'll probably have a wait-and-see approach if it looks like a new agreement is coming as this league is founded upon realism and trying to make our sim GM jobs similar to the real NFL GM jobs.

- We have no idea right now what our salary cap next year will be (depending upon those NFL real agreements probably) so I have to really caution teams from having major trade discussions before we even know what the rules will be next year. Until trades go through the system, they don't count and are unofficial, and once the system is turned back on for trading it'll likely be under different rules and different cap levels. There is much uncertainty, so best to see what the rules are going to be before committing yourself to something you have no idea how it'll look within a different system than last year. Trades are frozen in the real NFL until those rules are figured out, and frozen here too until off-season re-opens after those rules discussions for next year.

Best of luck to the teams playing sim championship games. Once you get into the playoffs with strong teams battling each other, usually things could go either way in such close matchups. Thanks to everyone for a great season. I had a lot of personal things pop up this year and less time which lead to delays and sorry for that. I'll endeavor to find ways things can run a little more smoothly even when spare time fluctuates.
Official Statement from the Commissioner's Office
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