Weekly Sim Status

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Re: Weekly Sim Status

Post by Goodell »

Week 15 is posted. Just too much going on this holiday season and fell behind, sorry. But hoping to catch up and do week 16 today/tomorrow, then week 17 early in the week to be caught up come playoffs.
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Re: Weekly Sim Status

Post by Goodell »

I have updated injuries for week 17. This is an important week for injury updates as it relates to the playoffs.

If your team is in the playoffs, injuries are handled this way:

- If a player is still playing in the real playoffs, we continue to use his real injury status reported each week (probable, doubtful, etc.). For weekly updates teams will have the option of using a real playoff game update or their averaged game.

- If a player is on a bad team in reality that didn't make the playoffs, but his sim team does make the playoffs we take their week 17 injury status and bump it up 1 level for the first playoff round (out -> doubtful -> questionable -> probable -> healthy). For those players we'll use averaged games like bye weeks where their injury status also knocks down their grade/update accordingly depending upon injury status. Players who are legitimately out for the year and wouldn't be playing in reality will remain out.

I also fixed the playoff tie-breaker and draft order calculation pages linked from the standings. It was still set to 2009 season before and giving errors, but now calculating for this year. I'll double check that after week 17 and we'll have official playoff seedings.

I'm hoping to run week 17 tomorrow and have depth charts unlocked for a bit until playoff games start. But if you're a playoff bound team (or close) you can send me any playoff changes in PM before the weekend also to ensure depth chart adjustments made.

If you are close to the cap and have a player eligible for IR, don't put them on IR unless you have room to do so. Also cutting players late in the season HURTS your cap (unlike in the off-season) as you end up paying almost all their salary anyway PLUS a replacement costing more overall. Very little ways to create cap space late in the season with everybody already earning most of their pay. With prorated salaries and only a week left in the regular season, though, you can sign a guy to a minimum deal for very little the rest off this season. For teams over the cap due to placing guys on IR or having a lot of empty roster spots being charged 320K I have contacted them for alternatives to getting back under including siging a minimum prorated contract to replace that 320K charge. Those who don't get under I've contacted them with corrective actions that I'll take to ensure all under.

I believe we always stop free agency once the playoffs begin (as no game checks to pay anyway after the season and so that non-playoff teams can't cut good players to avoid paying next year and create playoff bidding wars for teams still alive unrealistically), so if you have any last minute roster shopping to do you'll have to do it soon. Probably turning free agency off this weekend. Teams will still be able to cut players and have it count against this year's cap (if they have the room to do so) thru the playoffs and a couple of weeks after it's all over before we begin to shift to 2011 finances.
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Re: Weekly Sim Status

Post by Goodell »

Week 17 is posted. Sorry for the delays down the stretch, but thanks for a great season. Here's looking forward to the playoffs -- playoff teams your depth charts are unfrozen. I'll post more about the matchups and details soon in each league thread. Then off-season rules discussions and free agency then draft.

Speaking of that, here's how the first overall picks look across the leagues. Tough "luck" with those teams not getting their top rated QB, though.

1. Green Bay (0-16) 0 0 0.533
2 Indianapolis (0-16) 0 0 0.59
3 Detroit (2-14) 0 0.125 0.494
4 Tampa Bay (3-13) 0 0.188 0.512
5 San Francisco (3-13) 0 0.188 0.518 (that one's mine via trade!)

1. Chicago (0-16) 0 0 0.549
2. Tampa Bay (1-15) 0 0.063 0.594
3. Dallas (1-15) 0 0.063 0.59
4. Cincinnati (2-14) 0 0.125 0.586
5. Jacksonville (2-13) 1 0.156 0.563
6. Kansas City (2-13) 1 0.156 0.521

1. St. Louis (0-16) 0 0 0.582
2. Green Bay (1-15) 0 0.063 0.578
3. Houston (2-14) 0 0.125 0.566
4. Miami (3-13) 0 0.188 0.516
5. Tampa Bay (3-13) 0 0.188 0.59

These are unofficial currently, so let me know if you see any problems.
NFL draft order rules: http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d8 ... determined

Our strength of schedules (also linked from standings):

I believe one of the leagues had a 5-way tie, and the system only does up to 4-way ties currently so I'll have to either fix that or manually sort those. Remember that the playoffs will help determine the order for teams still active, so the bottom of the draft still very much to be determined. You want the bottom pick as it means a super bowl parade!
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Re: Weekly Sim Status

Post by Goodell »

For playoff teams the depth charts are unlocked. I'll lock them again soon once NFL games start this weekend, but not there's not as much urgency to that since you can notify me after the playoff games if you want to use a real playoff game update instead of an averaged game.

As most of the players will be using averaged games and since we didn't have a lot of time to adjust for playoff teams due to my busy-ness, you can PM goodell with depth chart changes prior to me running the sim playoff game. I'll post the time I expect to later but probably sometime Monday-Wednesday.

You can't have a guy who is really playing in the playoffs this weekend be off your DC and have you add him to you DC if he has a great game after the fact, but if your changes involve players who aren't active this weekend you can PM me changes up til the time I run our games. Also you can let me know if you want to use a real playoff game update instead of averaged game for active playoff players in your depth chart already up until the time I run the sim games.

I'll try to post averaged games this weekend, but you can calculate by looking at individual stats. Individual totals (yards, attempts, tds, turnovers, etc.) divided by individual games. And if they were on the injury report last week those averages will be reduced accordingly (x.75, x.85, etc.)

Let me know if any questions. But up until the first NFL playoff game you can freely modify your own depth chart unlocked. After that, you'll have to PM changes to me as usual up until I run our round 1 games early next week. Thanks!
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Re: Weekly Sim Status

Post by Goodell »

Playoff teams, send me a PM before Tuesday night 8PM ET if there were any real performances from the NFL round 1 that you want to use over you player's averages per game using NFL regular season stats.
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John W.
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Re: Weekly Sim Status

Post by John W. »

Goodell wrote:...
Remember that the playoffs will help determine the order for teams still active, so the bottom of the draft still very much to be determined. You want the bottom pick as it means a super bowl parade!
I noticed today that the NFL appears to have changed the way the playoffs affect the draft.

Here is the new ranking process from NFL.com

1. Clubs not participating in the playoffs shall select in the first through 20th positions in reverse standings order.
2. The Super Bowl winner is last and Super Bowl loser is next-to-last.
3. The losers of the Conference Championship games shall select 29th and 30th based on won-lost-tied percentage.
4. The losers of the Divisional playoff games shall select 25th through 28th based on won-lost-tied percentage.
5. The losers of the Wild Card games shall select 21st through 24th based on won-lost-tied percentage.

If ties exist in any grouping except (2) above, such ties shall be broken by strength-of-schedule. If any ties cannot be broken by strength-of-schedule, the divisional or conference tie-breakers, if applicable, shall be applied. Any ties that still exist shall be broken by a coin flip.
John Webb
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Re: Weekly Sim Status

Post by Goodell »

Deadline for sending me round 2 changes for the playoffs is Tuesday night (11:59 PM ET), as hoping to run this round on Wednesday. The first batch of games in the playoffs is really manual looking up each individual for each team, but easier once the seasonal average data collected going forward into the playoffs.

- You can change your depth chart so long as it involves players using seasonal averages (we'll be using multiple game averages like last year I'll post more about that today for those playing their second game of the playoffs).

- You can use a real performance instead of the seasonal average for a player from this past weekend's NFL playoff games so long as you let me know in PM to Goodell that you want to use a real playoff performance by Tuesday night.

- You cannot promote someone from the bench to a real playoff performance after the fact if you didn't have them in your depth chart of featured players going into the game.
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Re: Weekly Sim Status

Post by Goodell »

In fact, if you want to get a head start on thinking about what your multi-game averages would be -- which only applies to teams who didn't have a bye and would be playing their second playoff game upcoming -- you can see the demo spreadsheet John put together last year that I've been using. I added the injury factor calculation to it (.75/.85/.99), but would use something like that spreadsheet to more quickly determine the averaged game used once a player has played multiple playoff games so that .4 INT ave isn't always zero in our sim that uses whole numbers but would be zero the first round and 1 the next round for better cummulative numbers that should be expected over time during playoff rounds.

http://www.fangm.com/football/Playoff%2 ... ulator.xls
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Re: Weekly Sim Status

Post by Goodell »

Regarding multi-game averages, this was the data from round 1 where players going into their second game now would use the game 2 update for their seasonal average.

http://www.fangm.com/football/PlayoffUp ... r-2010.xls
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Re: Weekly Sim Status

Post by Goodell »

Deadline for sending me Championship round changes is Sunday night at 11:59pm ET. Let me know if you want to use any real updates from the past NFL weekend's AFC/NFC championship game in our versions of those. I'm going to try to run those shortly after that deadline.
Official Statement from the Commissioner's Office
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