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2012 RULES: Cap Carry-Over Specifics

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:19 am
by Goodell
Per a previous poll on salary cap carry-over (something new to the NFL under new CBA), there was support for $5-10M allowed carry-over in the future -- however mixed results on how much we'd allow this year since teams didn't know about that until we saw stories about that impact on real team caps this year.

We'll see what the most supported figures are for the exact carry-over details within the general intentions (limited if any this year and more but not excessive next year).

Re: 2012 RULES: Cap Carry-Over Specifics

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:28 am
by Goodell
To further clarify if you missed the other thread discussion, this would be unspent money under the cap one year being allowed to be added to the next season. So if you were 3M under cap one year, you'd get extra 3M next year. But that's only up to the limits to be set from above options, so if you're 30M under you still just carry-over up to 3m or whatever set limit.

There will be some other parts to this such as if a team borrowed $2m against a next year's cap but was still under their cap for a carry-over amount next year, I don't think we'd allow that borrowed money to be part of their carry-over total. Same might also be true with carried over funds if they continue to be unspent, as I believe the commish has to approve borrows and carry-over requests in reality usually requested for specific spending purposes. Some of those details will be further ironed out as we learn more about these processes, but expect some additional restrictions on carry-over and borrowing to prevent abuses or unwanted behavior in our game while also trying to be realistic.

Re: 2012 RULES: Cap Carry-Over Specifics

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:43 am
by Ben C.
Related question - Are we allowing teams to borrow $3 mil from next year's cap again?

Re: 2012 RULES: Cap Carry-Over Specifics

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:08 am
by Goodell
Have to look into the rules on that a bit more, but I don't think that was a 1 year thing in the NFL.

Was thinking teams could still borrow against the next cap, but whatever they borrowed (say 2M) if they ended up under their cap afterall (didn't spend that money borrowed fully) then they couldn't carry over borrowed money.

But still looking into some of those NFL details on borrowing.

I'm thinking the NFL caps may not move as much as they used to but now teams using some of these other tools (borrowing, carryover) to create the cap space now versus having the cap raise a lot every year.

Re: 2012 RULES: Cap Carry-Over Specifics

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:23 am
by Goodell
Here's that link again for how much NFL teams are carrying-over this year (some as much as 30M). The options that got the most support in the previous poll was 5-10M next year and more limited (0-3M) this year. ... -for-2012/

Re: 2012 RULES: Cap Carry-Over Specifics

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:06 am
by Goodell
Let's give this a little more time for feedback and votes, but as we speak exactly 12 want none carried over this year with 12 choosing an amount. Similarly 9 want 3M or less next year, and 8 either 5M or 10M.

Trying to get a feel for things, thinking 0 this year and 5M next year might be a fair compromise amongst the two groups that want either a very little or a whole lot. The NFL is moving more to a whole lot of carry-over allowed for teams (30M carry-over this year for some teams), and I'm thinking ours isn't going to represent that realism if we keep it a tiny fraction of what NFL teams are doing. 5-10M was the most popular choice for next year on the other more generic poll, and it lies between the bigger group of extremes wanting either less or more. Sometimes the best answer overall lies in the middle.

Any strong objections to 0M this year and 5M next year, and then we'll re-evaluate next off-season for the future? Still open to votes and discussions, but that feels like a possible path that makes sense to me at the moment given everything.

Re: 2012 RULES: Cap Carry-Over Specifics

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:50 pm
by Royce R
Quick question.

Cap at 120 million this year lets say. You spend 115 Million to give you 5 million carryover.

Say NFL cap next season is 125 Million, so your 5 million carryover puts you at 130 Million.

You spend 126 Million which is more than the real cap, but less than your cap. Going into the next year do you have 0 carryover or 4 million.

Re: 2012 RULES: Cap Carry-Over Specifics

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:20 am
by Goodell
Royce R wrote:Quick question.

Cap at 120 million this year lets say. You spend 115 Million to give you 5 million carryover.

Say NFL cap next season is 125 Million, so your 5 million carryover puts you at 130 Million.

You spend 126 Million which is more than the real cap, but less than your cap. Going into the next year do you have 0 carryover or 4 million.
That's where it gets complicated and having to think it all through.

Your carry-over is just about your team and spending in the past year. The cap number will be the same for all, but if a team has carry-over they'll have a line item in their cap hits with a -5M or whatever carried over to create additional space based upon last year's carry-over, no matter what the new cap is.

The team cap number isn't going to ever show that you spent more than the current cap that's the same for everyone. You may actually have spent 126M on players, but with -5M in the cap hits, it'll have you at 121M and 4M under the same cap number for all in your example.

Still have to think a little more about it exactly and still open to everyone's ideas on the new territory here, but was thinking we aren't going to allow teams to carry-over past money or borrow future money and carry that over again. The intention of that money is to spend it in the current year. If you don't and still under the cap, that carried/borrowed money won't count toward what you can carry over next time.

If you're now 4M under the cap (which is what you'd normally carry-over) but you carried over 5M last year that ended up not being spent (since still under the cap), you wouldn't get to carry more money over the next year -- unless we changed our cap carry-over limit rules to allow more carry-over that off-season. In those cases, the season after that you wouldn't have any un-used carry-over to worry about.

If you happened to be 6M under the cap and carried/borrowed 5M that we wouldn't count, you'd carry over 1M to the new season. If you're like some of the NFL teams who were like 30M under their caps last season, you'd carry-over 30-5 = 25M but we'd limit it to 5M again.

I know people are in a hurry to start everything, but still have to figure things out exactly as I start to build some of these things into the tools and wanting to make sure they are done right and not creating other issues so wanting to think them through completely.

Re: 2012 RULES: Cap Carry-Over Specifics

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 7:47 pm
by Goodell
Based upon NFL realities and support of GM votes, we'll allow teams to carry over unspent cap space just like reality. However, while some NFL teams carried over large amounts last year from one season to the next, our league vote supported more conservative movements toward that new cap management reality.

I asked for any strong objections to a compromise of 0 carried over from last year and up to $5M to be carried over next year (from unspent cap space this upcoming season), and that we'd re-evaluate that like everything next off-season for future rule changes beyond that.

Just want to re-emphasize that as we get back in the swing of things that as much as 5M can be carried over to next year in unspent cap space.

How that will work is much like how we handled borrowing against next year's cap which we allowed last season. There will be a Cap entry for -5M or whatever in 2013 if you had more than 5M in unspent cap space. If you end the season 1M under the cap, that 1M will be applied as -1M toward next year's cap lowering your spending and giving you an extra 1M under the cap carried over.

The exception will be borrowed money. If you borrow 3M against next year's cap and happen to end up 5M under the cap at the end of the year, you won't be allowed to carry that borrowed 3M over and the most you'd get to carry over is 2M. If you borrow 3M and end up 2M under the cap, you won't carry any of that over.

Let me know if any questions.

Re: 2012 RULES: Cap Carry-Over Specifics

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:54 pm
by Goodell
We limited cap carry-over to $5M. I think it makes sense for us to have some limitations there (with fake money) beyond what the NFL does since their spending is restricted by their use of real dollars, but just for further discussion on that this off-season here is the carry-over amounts in the NFL for 2013: ... -for-2013/