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Bidding on Restricted Players

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:13 am
by Jared A
I'm just wondering... how is it determined which 1sts the team receives.

Obviously I have a lot of 1sts in AFFL, and am wondering if I bid on restricted players... which of my firsts do they get?

I no longer have my personal 1st rounder. Alphabetical order? My choice? His choice? Flip a coin? :)

Re: Bidding on Restricted Players

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:49 am
by sportznut
Jared A wrote:I'm just wondering... how is it determined which 1sts the team receives.

Obviously I have a lot of 1sts in AFFL, and am wondering if I bid on restricted players... which of my firsts do they get?

I no longer have my personal 1st rounder. Alphabetical order? My choice? His choice? Flip a coin? :)
The way it was done in the past (along with franchise tenders) is that you'd give up your lowest first rounders and work your way up, but now that we're talking 2012 that's a good question.

Re: Bidding on Restricted Players

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:46 am
by Goodell
Yeah, you don't have to give up your highest first (if that was the compensation required), just a first.

Since we don't know the next draft order, as we normally would with March free agency, the winning bid team could let me know which of their picks that qualify for the required compensation they want to give.

For teams planning on bidding on RFAs or franchise tagged players, you have to have the required compensation (or a higher pick) in the next draft. If you don't, your winning bid would be invalid as you must have the compensation required. The only exception for the pick having to come from the next draft is franchise tagged players where it must at least be a first in the next and following draft, but at least one of the first rounders has to be in the next draft.