2010 RULES: Playoff Real Game Updates

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Should we continue to allow teams to use real playoff game updates?

Yes - leave as is with option for real game and put it on the GM to notify me.
Yes - but commish make the call on real game or averaged game in cases where a GM notified the league they will be gone.
Yes - but automatically use the better of averaged game or real game based upon a set standard or formula.
No votes
No - always use averaged games for everyone throughout playoffs and ignore real game updates but keep real game injuries.
No - always use averaged games for everyone thorughout playoffs and ignore real game updates as well as real game injuries.
Total votes: 33

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Joined: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:44 am

2010 RULES: Playoff Real Game Updates

Post by Goodell »

We made another change to playoff updates this year to allow teams to replace an averaged game update with a real playoff game update for that same round. So if you have a QB who plays great in the playoffs you could also ride those real heroics yourself. This was a way of balancing things for teams who had a lot of winners on their team who played a lot of playoff games in reality because those players were only hurt here in the future playing longer being exposed to more injuries (since we recognize real injuries) so we also gave an option to recognize real playoff great performances.

We have always used real game injuries (as well as suspensions, retirements, etc.) to keep our game as real as possible for the GMs, so if those players still at risk for injury in the post-season we gave our teams and avantage for having winning players also.

We could also just ignore real playoff injuries, but then possibly dealing with our results being completely in their own world and away from all reality if a star QB broke his leg in the real playoffs but had an AFFL Bowl MVP performance in the sim. Previous polls on that have had mixed opinion but leaned mostly to keeping things real.

I think that went well personally other than some issues with some teams more active than others in alerting me if they wanted to substitute a real performance. I put it on the teams because I didn't want to have to be the one to decide in cases where it might be close which performance would be better (is 4 TDs and 1 INT better than 1 TD and no INT and more yards?). But in some cases it's obvious which is better but I still put it on the team to notify me, and in at least one case a real update was nearly missed due to a GM being away for understandable personal matters. So do they just miss out on a great update by not notifying me? Do I make the call if they haven't signed in for a while or let us know they are going to be gone?
Official Statement from the Commissioner's Office
Posts: 3825
Joined: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:44 am

Re: 2010 RULES: Playoff Real Game Updates

Post by Goodell »

With 25 out of the 30 votes for it, we'll keep the option to use a real playoff game and leave it up to the GM to notify me directly if they want to use any real playoff game updates.
Official Statement from the Commissioner's Office
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