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Please Check In for 2009

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:27 pm
by Goodell
I have the check-in forms on the roster pages. Most of the roster tools are not quite active yet but getting closer.

But for now let us know that you're here and paying attention and ready to get started. That way we can see who hasn't checked in and go get them or a replacement.

Also post in the comments any scheduling issues in the near future related to March free agency and end of April draft. We won't be able to accomodate for everybody but good things to know when looking at schedules. Also look over the roster and make notes. I had a couple of PMs before but haven't corrected those yet with other things going on, but still on the list to do.

So click the My Team link above (if you are not in a specific league forum it'll ask you which of your teams to log into, and then find the check in form near the top.

I'll have franchise tagging and RFA compensation forms up soon but taking a little longer... hopefully tonight.

Re: Please Check In for 2009

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 5:04 am
by Goodell
You are also able to name Franchise (1) and Transition (2) tagged players at the bottom of your roster page now, as well as changing the compensation level if you wish for RFAs (under 4 years experience). Hopefully most of the questions about those addressed there, but RFAs and Franchise tagged players have matching rights (Franchise player gives 2 first rounders if a team decides not to match, and RFAs vary in compensation) and Transition tagged players have matching rights but no compensation. RFAs automatically have matching rights but you can raise their tender offer (as well as minimim salary level) to get higher compensation if another team signs them to a huge deal you don't match.

Transition tags have been popular here and we expand those beyond the NFL a bit, but since you have unlimited bids for your own free agents perhaps best not to transition tag guys unless you know they are worth more than a top 10 salary by position at least because they'll get something close to that at minimum if tagged. You can pretty much match on any UFA so long as pay attention to bidding, but transition tagging ensures you'll get matching rights even if forget to bid on a player before he signs with someone else. But if just leave as a UFA you could maybe win the bidding at a lower than Transition tag price. Franchise tagged players get top 5 salaries by position and the possibility of a long-term contract at that top 5 price if no bids due to compensation involved, but should only be reserved for elites at their position making those huge annual salaries. Also note that we'll have the system track UFA gains and losses for compensatory picks as free agency goes along. Teams that lose more UFAs than they sign get compensatory picks (late 3rd - 7th rounders depending on quality/quantity of losses).

Let me know if any questions. No deadline on those yet, but hoping to have most teams do them this weekend to jump start activity and allow us to get started sooner. The assigned salary should now update automatically once you assign the tag or compensation level. Please double-check and keep an eye on those. Of course those 1-year default deals might be re-written into something else depending how free agency goes if those players get larger offers that have to be matched or not, but adding their default contract should give teams a better picture of finances and help us try to keep teams within cap. If a mistake is made (either by you or the machine) or you have second thoughts before FA officially starts, send me a message to correct.


Re: Please Check In for 2009

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 1:57 pm
by Goodell
Just click on My Team link above and then submit button toward the top of the team roster page. That way the check-ins can be part of a directory listing.

Re: Please Check In for 2009

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 2:58 pm
by Goodell
Here is a link to a Directory where we can see who has signed-in or made their Tag/RFA decisions so far:

I'll make a push this week to contact those who haven't yet, and see if teams to fill. I've had some GMs say they wouldn't mind another team in another league and some emails as well from other prospective GMs.

My guess now is that (depending upon how it goes getting everyone back or replacing some) that we'd turn trading and some roster transactions on later this week, and then start FA on 4/6 once we know all teams are ready to go for 2009 and everything up and working.

Re: Please Check In for 2009

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:24 pm
by Michael D.
Do we have a set deadline (day) on when you can tag players?

Re: Please Check In for 2009

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:28 pm
by Goodell
Michael D. wrote:Do we have a set deadline (day) on when you can tag players?
It's all a little fluid right now until we know how many new GMs to add, but just so long as before FA starts.

Re: Please Check In for 2009

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 1:27 pm
by Jerry
I'm back

Re: Please Check In for 2009

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:52 am
by Goodell
It's a blizzard here in Colorado so headed home from work and probably will have more time later today, tomorrow, and into the weekend to get more things functional.

- Messages now sent to all who haven't checked in yet, will be looking at replacements next week.
- Allow teams to Cut Players again soon
- Trade Block messages post functionality soon
- Trading re-opened perhaps tomorrow but at least by next week.

- FA starting 4/6 and should have all teams filled and all functions ready to go by then.

- Our draft starting 4/26 and I'm going to look at having it go 1 round per day as most interest in that it seems from the rules poll, but plenty of mixed opinions and much will depend upon how easy to integrate in scripts.

Re: Please Check In for 2009

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:26 pm
by Shagg
I'm here ready to roll :D

Re: Please Check In for 2009

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 3:50 pm
by Goodell
Here are the current team openings:

I have sent a final email to the at-risk teams and also contacting prospective GMs who have emailed me about openings. If you know of someone who'd like to join, send them to the team opening page and then follow the instructions to register here.

I'm planning on having another league or two but not until after the real draft once there is more downtime.

If you have not entered your RFA compensatory levels or Franchise/Transition tags (if desired) please do so. We are starting free agency on 4/6 and need to have every team visit their roster and make those decisions prior to starting. Even if you are just going to accept the default (no additional compensation level for RFAs and no tagged players) please submit that at the bottom of your team roster just so I don't have to wonder. Here is the directory of teams signed in and RFA/Tag decisions posted.

Deadline for posting those decisions is 4/5 -- before FA starts, or the default of no tags and no higher tender offers will be used.
