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Re: 2015 RULES: Suggested Topics

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 11:38 am
by vikingfan
Why are we allowed to wait for post season results to decide who to use for play off sim games? That's the opposite of what we do in the season. I say it needs to be decided before those games are played. No Monday Morning Quarterbacking.

Re: 2015 RULES: Suggested Topics

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 12:08 pm
by Goodell
vikingfan wrote:Why are we allowed to wait for post season results to decide who to use for play off sim games? That's the opposite of what we do in the season. I say it needs to be decided before those games are played. No Monday Morning Quarterbacking.
It's something up for discussion, but because it's a huge DISADVANTAGE to have real players still in the playoffs otherwise. Some years guys get seriously injured in playoff games and we use real playoff injuries still. There are only negatives that can happen to sim teams with real guys in the playoffs still versus sim teams with a bunch of players on loser teams sitting at home (who are under no more injury risk). We didn't want to give only disadvantages to sim teams full of winning players in the real playoffs as that should be a positive, so gave them an advantage to balance out the continued injury risk.

Re: 2015 RULES: Suggested Topics

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 1:17 pm
by Onyxgem
Goodell wrote:
vikingfan wrote:Why are we allowed to wait for post season results to decide who to use for play off sim games? That's the opposite of what we do in the season. I say it needs to be decided before those games are played. No Monday Morning Quarterbacking.
It's something up for discussion, but because it's a huge DISADVANTAGE to have real players still in the playoffs otherwise. Some years guys get seriously injured in playoff games and we use real playoff injuries still. There are only negatives that can happen to sim teams with real guys in the playoffs still versus sim teams with a bunch of players on loser teams sitting at home (who are under no more injury risk). We didn't want to give only disadvantages to sim teams full of winning players in the real playoffs as that should be a positive, so gave them an advantage to balance out the continued injury risk.
Personally the teams in the playoffs with guys going have huge advantages. They don't have to decide if they want to take the game stats or reg season ave till after the game. Teams can beat much better teams if just a qb goes off one game in the post season when that team really should have no chance of winning that game.

Re: 2015 RULES: Suggested Topics

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 5:37 pm
by Ulrich82
I agree with shark above about getting rights to a player you ask to have added. I completely understand the amount of work our commish puts in, but I always worry that a guy I ask to have added will draw more attention by the time he is added to the player pool.

However, a lot of this game is designed to keep people from having to be inline 24/7. So being the first to write in about a guy doesn't seem like the right way to go if several people write in. Maybe you get his rights if you are the only person to ask to have him added within a 48 or 72 hour period?

Re: 2015 RULES: Suggested Topics

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 5:45 pm
by Ulrich82
In follow up to my previous comments about the practice squad, should we just do away with it?

This might be unpopular (I use the PS as fervently as anyone), but it might also be in the best interest of the game.

Every time an issue arose last offseason, Troy reminded us that the PS is not meant as a tool to just extend your roster, but that is pretty much how we all use it. It allows teams to lock in the rights to a free agent before even bidding on him. And there are always issues with guys being dropped to PS getting claimed and dropped to another team's PS.

Its purpose in the NFL is to give teams enough healthy bodies to hold practice which we don't need. The NFL also has tighter restrictions on who can be put on the practice squad that we simply can't fully keep track with.

Maybe we should just all agree to move on?

Re: 2015 RULES: Suggested Topics

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 6:19 pm
by Knighty Knight
My biggest problem was teams claiming players I cut to practice squads for them to cut to their practice squad. Don't think that happens in real life. I wouldn't be opposed to nixing it since it doesn't fulfill it's role as intended. I use it as an extension of my roster to control players rights.

Re: 2015 RULES: Suggested Topics

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 5:05 pm
by larry linke
I enjoy the practice squad. If you think that the NFL doesn't use the practice squad as an extension of their rosters you are sadly mistaken. The majority of practice squads in the NFL are players that they cut from their own rosters on the final cut down. A lot of teams use the practice squad to stash their 3rd string QB as someone who has an understanding of their playbook.

I don't understand what the problem is with the practice squad. Sure some teams use the practice squad more than others but they shouldn't be penalized.

What is funny is that you will see GM's sign somebody from another team's practice squad and when you look at their roster they don't have one.

Minnesota AFFL

Re: 2015 RULES: Suggested Topics

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 5:08 pm
by larry linke
I have another topic. I claimed a guy on waivers in week 15 of the season. His cap hit was the entire salary. When I questioned the commish about it he agreed with my point but didn't want to change the rule during the season. I feel that when you claim a player on waivers you should only be responsible for the pro-rated portion of the salary that he is on your roster.

Minnesota AFFL

Re: 2015 RULES: Suggested Topics

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 5:28 pm
by tino38
larry linke wrote:I have another topic. I claimed a guy on waivers in week 15 of the season. His cap hit was the entire salary. When I questioned the commish about it he agreed with my point but didn't want to change the rule during the season. I feel that when you claim a player on waivers you should only be responsible for the pro-rated portion of the salary that he is on your roster.

Minnesota AFFL
I agree. I thought this was already the way it was

Re: 2015 RULES: Suggested Topics

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 8:44 pm
by robroach
I started this game about a year ago and I love it. And most elements are very realistic. The one thing that I did find very unrealistic was the practice squad. That system is definitely broken in my opinion. A team should be able to move a player from his practice squad to his roster at any time.

I have been thinking a lot about this and here is my suggestion.

If a team wants to sign a player to their practice squad, they do so by signing that player as usual. That signing remains hidden for 24 hours. After 24 hours, that team is rewarded that player. If more than 1 team signs the same player, then after 24 hours of the first signing, the waiver order or draft system is utilized to reward that player to a team. This is actually one instance where we might consider rewarding the player to the better team, because players would probably sign with the better team in real life, but I would have no qualms going with the weaker team here either.

Then that player is property of that team. They can move that player to their roster at any time throughout the season, and at the end of the season that player automatically becomes part of the offseason roster for the minimum salary.

If another team wants to sign a player from another teams practice squad, they do so as normal and then that signing as well stays hidden for 24 hours. After 24 hours, that team is tentatively rewarded that player. If more than 1 team signs the same player, then after 24 hours of the first signing, the waiver order or draft system is utilized to tentatively reward that player to a team. Then the original team would have a chance to then sign that player to their active roster to keep the player.

No bidding is involved for practice squad players or should there be. Teams with the foresight to sign a player to their practice squad should always get to keep that player without having to pay extra for him. That is how it is set up in the NFL.