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Re: Draft Day

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:19 pm
by dhaeman
I voted for Monday after the draft because I'm usually bored on Mondays. But I'm happy with anything that lags at least one round behind the real draft.

Grats to Onyx.

Re: Draft Day

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:47 pm
by Joe
Anybody have any idea how we will have to make our pick?

Re: Draft Day

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:53 pm
by sportznut
Joe wrote:Anybody have any idea how we will have to make our pick?
If you're not around, you can queue up a number of players, and it will pick your player automatically.

If you are around, you'll be prompted when you're on the clock to make your pick.

Re: Draft Day

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:02 pm
by Onyxgem
Honestly guys it is really not going to matter all that much when the draft happens. Wedding being on saturday and what not and we are leaving monday like at 6 in the morning and won't be back till the following monday after 10 PM so honestly go with it whenever, but thanks for the people saying it should be moved but really i am trying to move my picks so it is really not a big deal...about got them all moved in one league just working on the second now.

Re: Draft Day

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:57 pm
by Joe
Onyxgem wrote:Honestly guys it is really not going to matter all that much when the draft happens. Wedding being on saturday and what not and we are leaving monday like at 6 in the morning and won't be back till the following monday after 10 PM so honestly go with it whenever, but thanks for the people saying it should be moved but really i am trying to move my picks so it is really not a big deal...about got them all moved in one league just working on the second now.
No kiddin... 6 picks for Brandon Marshall!!

Re: Draft Day

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 7:44 pm
by Onyxgem
Joe wrote:
Onyxgem wrote:Honestly guys it is really not going to matter all that much when the draft happens. Wedding being on saturday and what not and we are leaving monday like at 6 in the morning and won't be back till the following monday after 10 PM so honestly go with it whenever, but thanks for the people saying it should be moved but really i am trying to move my picks so it is really not a big deal...about got them all moved in one league just working on the second now.
No kiddin... 6 picks for Brandon Marshall!!
Yeah I know a bit much, but I really needed a play maker at WR this year and marshall is just the guy I am looking for to do just hope he keeps his nose clean.

Re: Draft Day

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:04 am
by Dan M
Has it been determined yet as to when the draft will begin?

Re: Draft Day

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:49 am
by Goodell
Dan M wrote:Has it been determined yet as to when the draft will begin?
I was going to set that this weekend while working on draft stuff and hoping for more feedback before then. Monday has gotten the most votes, and I'm thinking possibly Monday or Tuesday start. I'd like to look at the teams that have a lot of picks also in the first round and contact them before setting. Also possible that one league would start one day and the other league another day. Not that we can accomodate everyone but since looking at rescheduling anyway I was going to try to get the best date for the most people effected that first round.

Ideally in the future we'd just set it well ahead of time and not waiver from that but had a lot of conflict messages and some big events so decided to open it up to see if I could stumble upon the best time through that discussion.

Re: Draft Day

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:52 am
by sportznut
Who are these people voting for weekdays?

I have two teams.

I want two votes. ;)

Re: Draft Day

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:28 pm
by Dan M
Joe (who is at work) asked me to point out that he works in a non-office setting and doesn't have access to a computer during the day.

I imagine he's not the only one who would have this problem.

What about doing the first round on Sunday and then the rest of the draft during the week?